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Environmental and Sustainability Planner, age 30, Auckland, New Zealand


Life took a drastic turn for me in November 2018.

I stood up too fast one day, and I fainted and hit my head resulting in a terrible concussion. I have always been prone to headaches, and I have a history of seizures, tension headaches and migraines. I was often exhausted. I’d had lots of tests from numerous doctors, just to hear that everything "looks normal”. I was often prescribed sleeping tablets, and a couple of times I was offered anti-depressants. Deep down I knew I wasn’t depressed - I was exhausted, frustrated and in pain.

After a while of consistently being told that I was “physically fine”, I started to doubt myself. Not understanding the signals from my body made me feel vulnerable, and it got a lot worse after the concussion. After the concussion I found it difficult to concentrate, I had a hard time talking and struggled to read, struggled to hold conversations and my headaches were almost unbearable. I had a constant headache at the back of my head, and a migraine every other day.

I went from being able to work full time and do post graduate study, to only being able to work a few hours a week. I saw 7 specialists, but no one had an answer for me. Aside from the inconvenience, financially it was hard to keep up with all those sunken costs. ACC was putting a lot of pressure on me to go back to work.  Then along came Diane. Diane had just started Nectar Health.

Diane asked me a lot of seemingly random questions, that I found myself saying yes to more and more as the list went on. As she started to make links to the physical issues I had, more of the questions were things I had or did. She then recommended some functional foods to add to my diet. It seemed too easy!

I eat a plant based diet and all of the recommended foods worked with this. Diane was also very flexible with foods I didn’t like and supportive of my attempts to be zero-waste. Diane set me up with my daily tracker to start tracking what food I was having and how my brain was functioning. Slowly at first, and then more and more, I could feel a difference. As my body responded, Diane adjusted the foods I needed to eat. I started to see the end of the tunnel and I was in tears realising that finally something was going to work for me. After 2 months I was able to double my hours at work, I had more energy and I had more time to enjoy life. With my extra time I developed an interest in horticulture, and was able to complete an online course.

I don’t know where I would be without Diane. She has been so supportive and understanding, and actually listened to me and trusted that I knew my own body.

It was hard to relearn how to trust my body and myself, but Diane has empowered me to do so.

DISCLAIMER: Information on this website is provided as general information only about our service and approach to migraine management. It isn’t intended as medical advice or diagnosis, and shouldn’t be relied on as a substitute for medical advice from a health professional.

Any recommendations of functional foods and teas and quantities are also for general information only. Some functional foods and teas mentioned on the website have contraindications and should only be consumed following advice from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.

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